A property value is locked when you click on the lock icon to the right of the property value. 单击属性值右侧的锁定图标就可以锁定属性值。
On Mongolian Nomadic Brand Culture from the Perspective of the Changes of Right of Property 物权变动视角下的蒙古族游牧烙印文化
The cooperative finance in the countryside is superior in collecting information, right of property and informal institutional binding force, which makes it a choice system by the risk control principle. 非正式制度约束对农村经济组织的影响合作金融具备信息收集、产权与非正式制度约束等优势,符合成本最小化和风险控制原则。
Reconstruction of State, Market, and Right of Property and Growth of Economy& A Reinterpretation of Mechanism of Growth of Economy in Terms of the History of Modern and Contemporary China 国家、市场、产权关系重构与经济增长&基于中国近现代经济史的新解释
From Sole Development to Dualistic Structure: the Evolution of the Right of Property Dominion 由一元发展到二元突破:财产支配权的演进脉络
Nowadays the system of restricting right of property in China unduly lay particular stress on lawmaking. 我国现行财产权限制体制过于偏重立法。
Generally, the institution of female-headed households of the Song Dynasty became consummate to uphold the private right of property. 其意义主要表现在:宋代女户制度是为了维护财产私有权而发展完善起来的。
The inheritance law of the people's Republic of China details measures protective of the right to inheritance of property of the disabled people who are unable to work and without resources. 《中华人民共和国继承法》还对缺乏劳动能力和生活来源的残疾人财产继承权,作出了详细而具体的保护性规定。
The pledge right of intellectual property is more and more important in recent intellectual time. 在当今知识经济已露端倪的时代,知识产权质权制度越来越显示出其重要的地位和意义。
Who has been deprived of any right of person or property? 有谁曾被剥夺了人身及财产的权力?
Chinese women enjoy the same right of ownership of property and inheritance as men and equal rights in the management and decision-making of family affairs. 中国妇女享有与男子同等的财产所有权和继承权,平等参与家庭事务管理和决策的权利。
The right of patent application shall not be pledged due to its characteristics, and is not defined as an object of the pledge right of property in Property Law. 专利申请权因其权利性质不适于出质,《物权法》也未明定专利申请权可以成为权利质权的标的。
Widows have the right to dispose of property they inherit, without interference from anyone. 丧偶妇女有权处分继承的财产,任何人不得不干涉。
As the Eighth Commandment states, the right of private property must be strictly protected. 不可窃盗的诫命指出了个人的财产权必须要受到严格的保护。
The rights incorrectness is different from the non-rights incorrectness in the good faith acquisition, the interference in right of the property right and rectification procedure. 二者在是否会对物权构成妨害、是否导致善意取得以及更正登记的程序上完全不同。
"The period was hardly, if at all, earlier than that of our story, when a dispute concerning the right of property in a pig," 就在我们这个故事发生之前并不很久的时期,曾经发生过涉及一个猪的所有权的争议
The pledge right of intellectual property is the right established with the intellectual property as the subject-matter. 知识产权质权,即以知识产权为标的物而设定的质权。
Study on the Real Right and Obligatory Right of Collective Forest Property in Our Country 我国集体林权制度的物权与债权研究次级债券、附属信用债券
These powers are part of what property law calls the "bundle of sticks"-the powers of the owner that together constitute the right of property ownership. 这些权利就是财产法所称的棒束所有人享有的共同构成财产所有权的权利的组成部分。
Throughout the country the people should enjoy freedom of the person, the right to take part in political activity and the right to protection of property. 全国人民都要有人身自由的权利,参与政治的权利和保护财产的权利。
An Analysis on the Repossessing Right of Lost Property 遗失物回复请求权问题探析&对《物权法》第107条的解构与反思
Stock Right of State Property and Its Management 国有资产的股权形态及其管理
Business Right of Intellectual Property Strategy 企业知识产权战略
An SD to HD video converter is introduced based on video format conversion IC chip with independent intellectual right of property, which is used to generate more digital HDTV sources for broadcasting. 针对当前HDTV高清数字视频节目源的不足,介绍一种基于自主设计的视频格式转换芯片而开发的数字视频上变换器(SD-HD)系统。
It should be proceeded from fundamental construction of the financial system to prevent and dissolve the financial risk, such as to improve the legal system and the right of property. 防范和化解金融风险需要从金融制度的基础性建设入手,如完善法律体系和产权制度等。
Some Reflections on the Right of the property claim in the Law 对物权请求权法律制度的几点思考
The management right of the property management enterprise comes from the entrusting and authorization of proprietors. 物业管理权的实质是物业管理企业履行的物业服务合同义务。
The Law of Guarantees formulates that pledge right of intellectual property the guarantee of pledge right in its narrow sense, that is, formulates only the pledge right of intellectual property with regard to patent right, trademarks, and copyright. 然而我国《担保法》仅从狭义上规定了知识产权质权担保,即规定专利权、商标权和著作权中的财产权可以设定知识产权质权。
Decline and Fall of the Hui Merchants and the Right of Private Property 徽商衰亡与私有财产权
The Management Right of Real Property Guarantee ( MRRPG) is a new property right under market economy condition. 物业使用经营权一般是在一定期限内对房屋的出租、使用、收益和经营的权利,是市场经济条件下新的财产权。